Two Rivers Classical Academy is seeking teachers with a passion for teaching children how to learn. This passion will flow from a teacher’s own love of learning and pursuit of excellence. These traits, inspired and governed by love for Jesus Christ and the world he created, will breathe life into the curriculum and will create an academic culture of joyful excellence.
2024-25 Academic Year
Art Adjunct K-5th Grade (part-time)
2025-2026 Academic Year
Open Positions (Descriptions Below):
Assistant Headmaster (full-time-inquire for job description and requirements)
Application Process
We are currently accepting résumés for all positions. To begin the process:
- Read the following:
- Create a separate document called “Narrative Answers” and briefly explain the following:
- Your own familiarity and interest in Classical education;
- Your interest and ability to work in a Collaborative model with parent co-teachers; and
- Your own faith in Jesus Christ and thoughts on TRCA’s Statement of Faith.
- Follow the link below to submit the following documents:
- Your Résumé or CV;
- Your Narrative Answers; and
- Optionally, your Cover Letter
Please send applications to with the subject “Application.”
K-5th Grade Classroom Teacher
Summary | This position has responsibility for one classroom of up to 17 students. The Teacher is responsible for classroom instruction two days per week (Monday and Wednesday), for creating lesson plans and assignments for the full week, for communicating assignments to co-teachers (i.e., parents), and for consultation with co-teachers throughout the week. Curriculum and materials will be provided. This position reports to the Lead Teacher or the Head of School. |
Position Type | Part-time (2 instructional days per week, plus additional preparation time as needed). Some special events, training, and in-service days are also required. |
Salary | $15,000+ (minimum base salary; may vary based upon experience and qualifications) |
Benefits | Retirement Match |
Start Date | Classes begin in August. Training for incoming teachers will occur throughout the summer. |
Required Qualifications |
Desirable Qualifications |
6th-12th Grade Faculty
Summary | The Subject / Adjunct Teacher is a subject-matter expert who teaches a designated subject to one or more grades/classrooms, either one or two days per week. These teachers plan and create lesson plans for the full week (academy and home days), and work to coordinate and integrate subject matter across the curriculum. Examples of adjunct subjects include: Latin, Logic, Math, Fine Arts, and Physical Education, etc. |
Position Type | Full-time or part-time (2-3 instructional days per week, plus additional preparation time as needed). Some special events, training, and in-service days are also required. |
Salary | Commensurate with expertise, time, and availability |
Benefits | Retirement Match |
Start Date | Classes begin in August. Training for incoming teachers will occur throughout the summer. |
Required Qualifications |
Desirable Qualifications |
Substitute Teacher
Summary | The Substitute Teacher fills in for the Regular or Adjunct Teacher, following the established lesson plan and maintaining the classroom schedule and discipline. |
Position Type | Scheduled as needed, either well-planned or upon short notice. Some training and in-service days are also required. |
Salary | $130 per full day of instruction ($65 for half-days) |
Benefits | None |
Start Date | Classes begin in August. Training for incoming teachers throughout the summer. |
Required Qualifications |
Desirable Qualifications |
Classroom Associates
Summary | The Classroom Associate assists the Regular or Adjunct Teacher with classroom instruction, following the established lesson plan, and maintaining the classroom schedule and discipline. |
Position Type | Part-time, hourly, and preferably on a regular weekly schedule. Some training and in-service days are also required. |
Salary | $15.00/hour (minimum base salary; may vary based upon experience and qualifications) |
Benefits | Retirement Match |
Start Date | Classes begin in August. May participate in training for incoming teachers throughout the summer. |
Required Qualifications |
Desirable Qualifications |