Classroom Days
One of the BIG questions we’ve heard from parents: Which days of the week will TRCA meet as an academy in classrooms?
Answer: Mondays & Wednesdays
Though this has been our preference all along, we’ve waited to decide this until other pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Thanks for your patience. We hope this additional piece aids families in making their own plans. More details are coming soon, and more still need to be decided – so keep praying!
Coffeeshop Meet-Up this Thursday evening, 7:30-8:00 p.m.
Great idea, suggested by one of the TRCA families! Since our formal Launch Meeting is postponed to February 16, we can use this Thursday evening to gather informally for fellowship and discussion.
So whether you just want something warm to drink, have questions you would like to personally ask, or just want some adult interaction away from the kids, come join us!
We don’t have a specific room reserved, so just look for familiar faces!
Event details on our Website and Facebook
As always, feel free to reach out with your questions and suggestion. We appreciate each contact we receive!