We held the first information meeting for TRCA on Thursday, October 25. We put the word out on our website, Facebook, and by word of mouth, unsure whether to expect more than a handful of friends to show up out of pity.
Who Came
People came – and not only the pity-friends! Forty-nine adults, plus a bunch of kids, filled the room and listened intently for forty-five minutes. When given the opportunity, only a few families bolted for the doors, but most stayed longer for a question-and-answer time.
All told, these families represented over eighty children. Of course we didn’t ask for any commitments, but if everyone there was “all-in,” TRCA could open with grades K thru 9 next fall.
Notes We Took
- Location is a big question, rightly so. See more here.
- Curriculum and Costs are BIG questions, and we can do better explaining how we intend to approach these critical issues.
- There were professional teachers in the audience, and they provided valuable information, perspective, and correction. Like the word “differentiation.” And that it would be easier to offer high school diplomas than we have assumed.
- There were parents in the crowd with ideas, abilities, resources, and relationships that could be invaluable to TRCA.
- Everyone was very gracious.
- Many fathers were there.
What’s Next
- First, we are proceeding with the next two information meetings we have planned, November 17 and December 1. We are approaching each of these meetings very prayerfully, looking to gain wisdom and discernment from each person and family that attends.
- Second, we’ve stepped up our efforts to address some of the questions and issues we had originally intended to begin in January (if at all). Location, tuition, and leadership questions are now on our priority list.
- Third, we will attempt to contact those that attended the information meeting, asking for some additional feedback.
- Fourth, we are looking for ways to expand the number of families actively involved right now.
What You Can Do
- Help get more families into the conversation, i.e., get them to the upcoming information meetings.
- Pray specifically that we will be able to identify location and leadership soon.
- Let us know if you would like to help in some way, e.g., volunteer for a task or event, introduce us to your church or group, pay for some resources, etc.
- Keep in touch.
Questions, comments, or ideas? Send us a note.